Former Member Visits LZ

Talk about anything hang gliding.

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Former Member Visits LZ

Post by Christian »

It has been a while since I've visited the LZ. So a few days ago I finally did show up, bringing with me a semi full of trees and bushes, a frontloader, an irrigation system and a work crew of 100 guys from Home Depot to plant and install some greenery along the parking lot and finally get the job accomplished. [ ]

You can't imagine how pissed off I was to see that everything has already been done and the whole joint looks better than I ever saw it.

Also, something weird happened to the LZ grass--it was growing.

I also noticed that apparently some kind of natural erosion force has widened and smoothed the runway over time, so now it looks like a Cessna could land there, instead of like the metallic crevasse in the Death Star where I learned to land like Han Solo with less lucky star warriors crashing and exploding around me. Apparently Greblo didn't need a frontloader after all, this was simply God's work.

I could not find any gophers anywhere, but I did meet some retired guy who had a strange apparatus in his truck which he explained was "welding equipment for mammals." I asked him if it had anything to do with the lack of rodents.

He said it did not. He explained that he had lured the gophers out of their holes using French postcards, and then given each a suit of clothes and a bus ticket to Arizona.

The explosion I had heard coming in, he said, was a sonic boom from an ATOS passing overhead.

There was a black dog on the property in clear violation of the sign at the entrance. He said he was trying to get rid of the dog by throwing a ball, but the dog kept bringing the ball back. He was still trying when I left.

All in all it was a nice visit and It appeared a lot of work has been done since I was around last.

The new gazebo is spectacular. I like that you kept the old design.


Post by JT »

The new gazebo is spectacular. I like that you kept the old design.
Bastard! Since you left the gazebo committee, (three years ago) what did you expect, a miracle? We haven't been able to make a move without your guidance.

Good to hear you were out. Don't be such a stranger.
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