Dallas Rains and son Austin fly at Kagel

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Dallas Rains and son Austin fly at Kagel

Post by greblo »

When I received a call from Dallas Raines (one of the nations top television weather forecasters) stating that he'd like to purchase a tandem flight lesson for both his and his son's birthday, I became excited over the possibilities

Rather than charge him for the training, I thought it would be good idea to invite them out to fly for free and meet some of the pilots. In doing so, perhaps he'd put something on the Channel 7 News about our club.

Next came locating a good supply of HD video cameras in order to get some good footage for him to air, and to use to edit a nice dvd to give him as a gift. Cyndia, Raffi, Stan Albright, Mike Soultanian, and Benji Oberman, and Rob Burgis, all came through with a total of 8 cameras for the two gliders.

About 15 people showed up to welcome Dallas on Friday, and Mike Hayden (with the help of Loren Meck and his wife, and Lori Burgess) cooked up a nice late afternoon lunch.

Fred Ballard and I got them airborne and both had a great time. We sent Dallas home that night with a short piece of video that he used on the Channel 7, 11 O"clock News. He's planning on doing another piece on his news show, using more of the hang gliding footage and tying it in with something interesting about the weather.

Here's the video Ted Boyse and I cut for him. At four and a half minutes, it's too long to keep pilots interested, but it's great for him and his kid to show their friends. Unfortunately 2 of the best placed cameras failed to operate so the footage was a little limited.

Safety is a book, not a word
Michael Robertson
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