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Post by phkao »

I was in the previous version of Squeegee and it strangely disappeared. Luckily I made a copy and here it is...



I was wondering if the club had money to buy a squeegee to remove the water on the gazebo's deck?


Here are a few samples.

I found the price to be between twenty and forty dollars.

http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/i ... r+squeegee


What is infuriating is the contractor promised a certain favor to us that the deck would not pool water. I was there the day of the Concrete pour and concrete was being added in a way to prevent the pooling when the truck operator said he was out of concrete. A call was made to bring the remaining concrete up to the crack line before it ran out. There was a negotiation for an additional truck to finish the last 200 square feet or more but when the truck arrived it was too late to add additional mud to the already poured low spots. Once dried the newly cut crack-lines were supposed to drain the pooled water but as I see in the photos there are some small puddles.


It should not take a favor for a contractor to do his job right for his client. The Board should have never approved the payment before the contractor fixed the problem to our satisfaction. For the money we paid to the contractor, we deserved better. I will find out more details in the near future and will write a report for the club members.


I found an article on concrete ponding
http://chalaireandassociates.com/public ... gWater.pdf

It says you should flood the deck with a garden hose and then wait 10 minutes to see if it drains off evaporates or soaks into the concrete.

The pictures may have been taken right after it was hosed off also the crack lines should be swept of any obstructing dirt from the ongoing construction process.

I think the club also wanted assurances the concrete would not crack, but all concrete is guaranteed to crack.


If we were lucky, that would be the case, but that isn't the case. I've stood up there with Joe Greblo and talked about the water pooling the next day after it rained. Joe mentioned to me that he made it clear to the contractor to take what measures necessary to prevent this sort of thing.

I think a squeegee is the short term fix. Jesse had talked about someone he knows that can grind and smooth the surface, but again this is hard to put into a budget that has already been stretched to the point of barrowing.

I do believe that the rail, roof and the rest of the gazebo are being looked at closer when it comes to the budget. Glenn has done an incredible task in doing the rail, saving our club a boatload, and Tom has made it possible to keep the roof at cost of materials only, allowing the club to add the Cupula with an acceptable cost increase. I believe it was around three hundred dollars extra to add them. Thanks to Ken Andrews for the research on that.

I think that in the heroes corner, we should include every member that has seen there money go towards the interest of the gazebo. The cost has tripled, taken us to the point of using most of it (I believe nine thousand has been asked to be left in savings), getting a loan, and Rob mentioning that the only way he can see the glider storage getting finished is to increase the glider storage fees. Let's hope that doesn't happen. I think that would further insult our situation.
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Post by phkao »

Almost all concrete cracks. Those “crack-lines� on the gazebo slab are the control lines for cracking. They help very little on drainage.
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Post by BudRob »

"and Rob mentioning that the only way he can see the glider storage getting finished is to increase the glider storage fees. Let's hope that doesn't happen. I think that would further insult our situation".

I do not recall making the above statement. And it will cost the club nothing for the initial storage containers. I will be personally financing the first 16 new storage tubes by pre-paying my own storage fee by as many years as it takes to pay off the cost. This way the club will receive income from the other 15 tubes at no cost as soon as there are people willing to take them. I know that Glenn Smith and Sebastian Lutges are 2 ready to go and hopefully there will be many more to follow.

As far as cost goes, the BOD has not determined how much money will be charged. I blelieve that they should bring slightly more than the other boxes, because they are closer and will be better protected from the weather. Pricing will be determined by demand.

There is still ONE cheap space available in the oldest box, if anyone wants it (call Jay for details). But Glenn, Sebass, and me are holding out for the better ones coming soon.
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Post by Busto »

Maybe I misunderstood you.
BudRob wrote:
We have all been concerned about how to cover upcoming costs. Increased glider storage is absolutely the best way I can think of to do this. So let's get going on this storage area NOW.

Concerning the concrete work, it isn't so much that we are going to drown, it's the fact that we didn't pay him "You're my buddy wage". Compared to the market, the percentage he received was better then average, and the help from our members was as Pi-Hsuan put it "Gracious". With that said, the quality should have matched the price.

Concerning the roof, Tom and Daryl may have a few days break due to the winds, but the roof is looking good. I think it will put a shine on the project once finished.
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Post by dhmartens »

I inspected the crack lines today and they are clogged with debris. I also noticed some of the crack lines nearest the posts are filled in with some patch material so they cannot drain off the edge. There may not be a puddling problem if those 2 items are fixed. If a puddle does form we could drill a 1/8" hole in the middle down to the glider storage area and glue a garden hose on the opening to drain out to the yard. Eventually the surface may be painted with a texturized coating, but I like it the way it is.

As we rent more glider storage it may be possible to reduce the storage fee by maybe 20% and still increase revenue.
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