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2013 Dahlsten Cup Results

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 8:17 am
by Chip
Day better than originally thought as far as altitude goes. We went with the better prediction of 4700 set by yours truly. Tony Desantis reported reaching 5100 late (maybe around 4).

Most pilots struggled early, but after about 1400, the day improved. Both classes had pilots complete the course. 5 of the open class pilots made it around the 41km course.

Task for the open class was across the road to Big T in effort to separate the classes and it seemed to be the right call. Although while watching the paragliders, I was somewhat concerned that we had made a mistake. Chad was sacrificed to the gravity gods and after the sacrifice was accepted, the day seemed to turn on.

For the open class, Middle T made all the difference in the standings, but still the open class was close.

As in the past, those pilots that didn't do well neglected to turn in their instruments which hurts the legitimacy of publishing our results. So I have a total of 3 pilots that turned in their instruments for the open class, not including my instrument that had problems all day long and ended up not recording a track log :oops: . Let that be a lesson to those of you thinking of flying in comps, carry a backup. :roll:

Looks like we all could use some more practice on using our instruments given the number of complaints I heard on the radio and in the LZ.

Results for Open class up right now on Soaring Spot

I've re-scored the sport class and have conflicting results with the two different scoring programs (SeeYou and FS). Both are close but changes the winner given their implementation of leading points or arrival points. Either way, I think Will Ramsey did a great job on the sport 2 against the U2's.

I'm hesitating publishing the results using just one program since they give different results, maybe I'll just publish both of them and we can have a foot race in the LZ. :wink:

As always, thanks to everyone that volunteered in the LZ. A big special thanks to Richard Shaw and Joe Greblo for sacrificing the day working on the gate. Hot and dirty work, but saw both of them smiling as we went through the gate, threatening to torch us as we went through :o .