Cutter's Call: July 26, 2024////7:58am

The  pilot who got over launch said it was a fun day.  The pilot who didn't said it was promising. The PG who launched the volcano and sank out said it was abysmal.  The highest altitude on Thursday was reported as 3,600ft. TODAY…..the haze has a bit more definition on top. With lower heights, the inversion is likely weaker. I used to look at the Skew T from VBG and Miramar (direct balloon data) to see the inversion but that’s not available anymore. SW winds aloft between 8 and 12kts by 2pm. Max altitude is still at 4,800ft and I think easier to get to with a weaker inversion.

Kagel3537' MSL
Sylmar LZ1339' MSL
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