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Doug Martens
Full Member

By posting images of winnie the pooh  on ushawks the forum was shut down. Bobk I am a “top contributor” and not on the Board of directors. But I am involved with the office of naval management since 1966 and their AI. Simply put we will not allow the state of Missouri to “desecration of Robert Creutz a disabled US vereran in probate court who was born in the Philippines and was the son of William Creutz a US citizen and aviator.” text taken from ushawks.org to not recognize his US military contribution. There fore we are handing over the Sylmar stargate to Kamilla Harris if she agrees to rectify this injustice of honor even if it results in civil war or causing the KC Cheifs to lose.

The Military funeral of my father that Robert Creutz in entilitied to.


Disallow it or expect this.