Guess what – your “My Account” page is chock full of goodies that you can play with:
- If you don’t want to be a faceless ghost in the forums, you can click on the picture just below the “My account” title at the top to update your avatar.
- Email address, name, display name (how your name appears in the forums), and password can be updated under the “Edit Account” tab.
- Your billing/shipping address information can be updated in the “Edit Addresses” tab.
- In the “Edit Profile” tab, you can update your USHPA number and view all of your current USHPA information (your USHPA information can not be edited, since it is pulled directly from USHPA based on your number), and update your emergency contact info and wing information.
- “My Orders” and “My Subscriptions” will show you things that you’ve purchased through the site, and any memberships or sign offs that you’ve signed up for.