Home Forums Events & Projects Otto Meet 2024

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    Are there any plans to celebrate Otto’s birthday at Dockweiler in 2024?

    This year, Otto’s Birthday (May 23, 2024) falls on a Thursday. In past years some folks have celebrated on either his actual birthday or on the nearest weekend day. This has been further complicated by the flight restrictions requiring either a USHPA membership (Wednesday through Sunday) or a signed Dockweiler waiver (Monday and Tuesday).

    Does anyone have any plans to celebrate this year? And if so, what dates?


    Gary started a topic about the 2024 Otto meet on the U.S. Hawks forum back in January:


    There was some discussion, but nothing conclusive about a specific date or time. Given the lack of consensus this year, I expect that a few people might show up on the actual anniversary date of May 23, 2024.


    The forecast looks nice for the afternoon on Otto’s Birthday this year (May 23, 2024). It shows about 11 gusting to 15 from 1pm until 7pm.

    I would normally upload an image showing the current forecast, but I can’t seem to figure out how to upload images on this new forum. There is an “IMG” tag, but it seems to want the address of an existing image somewhere on the web and not a newly uploaded image. But I can offer a link to the U.S. Hawks post containing the forecast:


    So far, we have a few folks planning to be there. Please consider joining us.


    The Otto Meet this year was small but fun.

    Thanks to everyone who showed up and contributed to the Day.

    Until next year . . . . . Happy Birthday Otto!!!

    From left to right: Eric Muss-Barnes, John Heiney, Joe Faust, Frank Colver
    From left to right: Eric Muss-Barnes, John Heiney, Joe Faust, Frank Colver


    Here’s a short video of about half of the flights:

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