Home Forums Website Help & Suggestions What happened to the existing (“old”) forum posts?

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    I think I have all of that as well. I don’t know if there’s a migration path for it, however.


    Thanks Marshall. The first step is to be sure you’ve got everything, and it sounds like you do.

    As I mentioned earlier, it’s fortunate that your old and new forums have different URLs so they can both coexist. However, that possibility might depend on whether or not your current hosting package will allow either another content management system (phpBB) or raw HTML pages to be installed on your site. If they allow that, then you have viable alternatives to importing or re-integrating the old posts. Those alternatives include reinstalling the site as a phpBB or as static pages.

    My first preference (not that I have any clout in the matter) would be to reinstall phpBB at the same URL. It could be active (accepting new posts) or static (all logins and posting disabled). This is my first choice because it is the least disruptive to the rest of the web. There are maybe thousands of links to SHGA forum content on the web. Those links are at Google, Yahoo, hanggliding.org, OzForum, USHawks.org, other hang gliding clubs, and other places that we don’t even know. All of those links are now broken. By restoring the old forum (even as read-only), all of those links will work again.

    My second choice would be to build static HTML pages from the database. I’ve just done something similar with the hanggliding.org “Call for Leaders and Founders” topic that started the HGAA and eventually the U.S. Hawks. The restored static pages are here:


    That would still result in broken external links because the static pages would use different URLs than the old PHP version. But the mapping might be predictable enough for sites to automate changing of links. You might also be able to use a rewrite rule to fix that on your site (depending on your hosting package).

    My third preference would be merging them into the new CMS. I think this will be difficult for a number of reasons. First, the phpBB system allowed nesting of forums within forums. I don’t see any evidence of that in this new forum. The SHGA forum didn’t use deep nesting, but it still might be deeper than the new forum. Second, there may be other features of phpBB forums that don’t mesh easily with the new CMS. While an automated converter might appear to work, you might later find a number of things didn’t survive the merge.

    Also, and independent of those choices, I would be happy to host the old forum on either the U.S. Hawks as a subforum (within U.S. Hawks) or as a separate forum. You should probably strip out the PM portion of the database in that case to protect people’s privacy.

    Please let me know if I can help.


    I attempted to post another one of my opinion posts but due to loss of the old forum I cannot.

    If you google “Rome dodson shga” you will find the last flight of Rome has been deleted where he was in his mid 80s and flying with oxygen tank to his nose. I meant to provide contrast with Joe Biden who is also in his 80s. Rome had delt with asbestos in his profession yet he played life to its last moment. Sadly he too has been erased with cancel culture. Rome was able to complete his last flight without incident.

    This is all google will give you “The Passing Of A Friend

    Sylmar Hang Gliding Association
    http://shga.com › … › SHGA Forum › General Discussion
    Feb 14, 2021 — Board index SHGA Forum General Discussion · The Passing Of … Our dear friend and long time Sylmar pilot, Rome Dodson, succumbed to his illness last night.



    I started this topic back in May. It’s now July. Doug is correct. There’s more of Rome’s memory left in the fragments of faceless search engines than in the club that he loved and supported during a good portion of his life.

    Who was responsible for sitting by silently while history was erased?



    ushawks have made an immediate breakthough of a 12 foot telescopic hang glider and we are giving the industry advanced notice as a courtesy.


    The drug cartel that caused years long disabillity to my shoulder and ended my hang gliding flight careear and caused wife to be 911 evacuated to hospital from planted rattle snake bite that costed California taxpayers was destroyed in June 2023 DEA arson assult that also damage the ushawks Antelope Valley hang glider compound. Here is the satellite before photo.


    Worst Nightmare


    The ushawks/ogre Ai has simply asked me to give this information to Marshall Robin and so I will.
    The last few seconds are important and it is political.


    DC comics has a new “Kite Man



    A magic telescopic trick that can put out your eye.

    inflation has eroded any 5 foot hang glider budget I may have had untill further notice.


    The secret of the telescopic glider prototype.

    remove xx and load link your self due to banned content from kindle.

    Jamie Dimon the CEO of JPMorgan Chase has offerred me a $1,000 loan at 6% to develope this prototype but he thinks this forum has been paid off by the real estate industry to promote paragliding (because of storage costs). High housing prices promote paragliding which has gone from a 1 to 1 sales ratio to a 14 to 1 sales ratio because Ushpa and other insiders are more interested in house prices as they are owners, than personal flight. Only renters should be allowed to post in this thread.

    Why no one is developing one is they are paid off by the real estate sector.
    buy 2 of those for $10 no one has done this because they own real estate and have no interest in developing a 5 foot hang glider.


    Breaking News: Gavin Newsome now actually controls and is the leader of planet Earth.
    Donald Trump had 3 uses of the Sylmar Stargate and Gavin used those to rotate Trumps Skull 3 times to prevent 3 bullets 3 times. Trump now has no claim to use the Sylmar Stargate but he is alive and we have video. Trump is subserviant to Newsome and he has pledged zero cuts to Social Security and zero cuts to Medicare, yet Biden has passes a 1.9% cut to Medicare C which is a $200 billion dollar cut. California is now 1/7 of earth economy yet under Trump California will be 1/4 of earth econmy.


    On June 22, 2024, Marshall wrote:

    We have the full site intact with all old messages, so they are not lost. I’d like to see the archive available as well, so I’ll be looking into doing that in the near future.

    It’s now August. Are we still in the near future of June 22nd?

    The U.S. Hawks has an entire subforum dedicated to hang gliding history. We would be willing to host the old SHGA posts there to preserve them.


    SYLMAR — For the human birds of Sylmar on Saturday, it took a few short steps to leap off Kagel Mountain thousands of feet in the air to freedom.

    The freedom to soar toward heaven on 100-degree thermal heights by some of the best hang glider pilots in Los Angeles.

    “It’s my roofless cathedral,” said pilot Lynn McLaughlin, 55, of El Segundo. “The way I commune with my understanding of God.”

    She was among hundreds of pilots and spectators to crane their necks at Sylmar Flight Park for one of the premier hang gliding competitions in the region. The 28th Annual Dahlsten Cup encouraged dozens of bird men and women to stretch their wings across a timed 30-mile loop from the 3,540-foot San Gabriel Mountain peak to the flight park in Pacoima Wash.

    Winners who got their names etched on the traveling cup earned their place in history at “the hang gliding capital of the world.”

    Flying ace Rob Burgis, with more than a thousand leaps since the early 1970s from the craggy Kagel, has earned a record four — and was hoping to glide to a fifth. “It’s like America’s cup,” said Burgis, 59, of Sylmar, a retired Budweiser taster at the nearby Anheuser-Busch plant. “If it’s in your house, you’re king for a year.”


    Read More

    The flying event, sponsored by the Sylmar Hang Gliding Association, included the hang gliding competition, joy rides to the park glade, a hang glide simulator, and bratwursts, burgers and an “airborne chili” cook-off accompanied by classic rock.

    As temperatures rose throughout the afternoon, hang glider and paraglider pilots young and old recalled the joys of flight and some of the worst myths to fly ‘round their sport:

    Myth 1: Hang gliding is a “crazy young peoples’ sport.” In truth, the average pilot is 46, and earns $82,000 a year, according the US Hang Gliding Paragliding Association.

    Myth 2: Hang gliding is dangerous. In truth, it’s risky. But in 25 years, there have been thousands of flights, but only two deaths in Los Angeles County, according to veteran pilot trainer Joe Greblo.

    Myth 3: There are few places to fly near Los Angeles. In truth, there are 10 popular launch sites within two hours of the city, they say, including 300 fair-weather days in Sylmar. Its association is now seeking senior volunteers to help shuttle pilots up the mountain.

    “It feels pretty damn good,” said 18-year-old Caitlin Benti, of Valencia, just landing after earning her wings a month ago. “It’s exhilarating, relaxing. The best feeling in the world.”

    “I wish I was flyin,’” said Rome Dodson, 84, a co-founder of the Sylmar Senile Senior Soaring Society, who was forced to pack away his kite last year because of an ailing lung condition. He looked up to the distant peak, where glider triangles circled like tiny cranes of origami. “I miss being in the air.”

    Everyone could recall their first solo flight. Greg Angsten was divorced, his kids grown, when he first took to the air at 47.

    “I said, ‘I can do this,’” recalled Angsten, 63, of Westchester, now president of the Sylmar Hang Gliding Association, recalling his initial terror. “I was terrified the whole way … I had a death grip on the bar, white knuckles all the way down.

    “Then it took over my life — (and) now I’m out here every weekend for the last 15 years.”

    Tell Greblo I am preparing a full report of the the mutltiple drug cartel attacks on me with multiple military sattelite imagery and video of my shoulder being left in a disabled state that lasted one year and multiple assassination attempts. (Scooby doo and we would have gotten away with it too if it wasn’y for you kids)

    Hang gliders soar over Sylmar


    UFO advisory in the Lancaster Palmdale area. Please stay clear of all mylar balloons.


    It’s now September. Has there been any effort or progress made on restoring the old forum content?

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